October’s Income Report shows an increase in book sales as well as stock photos! This was an exciting month for me because I sold my first “enhanced license” photo on Shutterstock. I can’t express the joy I felt when I logged on to check out if anyone bought my photos only to see that one sold for $28! That is MY commission! The company who purchased it spent $100 on my photo. This is the photo:
Now why a company needs a $100 photo of pecan muffins, I’ll never know. I envisioned it going up on the wall of a restaurant or in a pamphlet for things you can do with whole wheat. Maybe in a small cafe in New York City? One cool thing about Shutterstock is that it shows you a map showing where your photos were purchased (relatively). This one sold somewhere around New York.
By the way, that photo is for Dairy-free Apple Streusel Muffins. You can find the recipe here. It was taken on my kitchen table with natural lighting from a window from the back. Oh, and the muffins were delicious as well!!! No complaints from the Vezzani household!
As far as book sales go, I think the closer you get to Christmas, the better your sales become. Not a huge income, but enough to celebrate with a night out at the movies or some pizza!
Shutterstock: $31.38
CreateSpace: $21.00
TOTAL INCOME for OCTOBER 2011: $52.38