Dave approached me and wants to do a 30 day sugar fast. What exactly is that? In the simplest of terms, a sugar fast is going without any sugar for a specified amount of time. We are also doing a white flour fast. Since beginning this goal last week, my kids have made brownies, cookies, and doughnuts. I have been offered candy as well, and a friend dropped off cookies last night. While the thought was appreciated in all cases, I had NO idea just how much sugar we have going in and out of our house!It’s as if my kids are secretly rebelling and fate is stacked against us. That said, I have stood firm and look forward to indulging in some sugar for my birthday at the end of this month.
There are several things that have prompted this decision. First and foremost Dave is concerned that his waistline is getting tight in his pants and that his overall health is declining. He works from home as a software engineer and doesn’t get a lot of exercise. I fully support him in this decision though I know it will be tough. I’ve already scoured the house for something sweet and resorted to raisins and almonds for a snack with orange slices on the side.
My friend is a nurse and told me that sugar can be as addicting as cocaine. Crazy! Who knew how great our dependency upon it was?
I don’t know if I can really find joy in going without sugar and white flour, however I’m excited to see how strong I am and more importantly if it makes me feel healthier. Valentine’s Day will be a bit of a challenge, but I’m sure we can be creative:)
A few rules that we set up for ourselves:
1. We will allow honey for planned indulgences and baked items, like bread. While I will have to make my bread from scratch to have no white flour or sugar, I feel like a little bit of honey will be okay.
2. A second planned indulgence will be in allowing pure maple syrup occasionally. I am planning on making my own chocolate for Valentine’s Day using pure maple syrup, cocoa powder, and coconut oil. If it turns out good, I’ll post the recipe on Home Baked Joy.
3. I am still on the fence about my homemade jam, but I made a few jars of jam sweetened with honey just in case.
We are going to end our sugar fast for my birthday at the end of this month. While it is unlikely that I will never have sugar again, I am excited for the challenge and look forward to seeing where it takes me.
Try making sugar free jam using xylitol instead of sugar. To fresh fruit add clear gel, which thickens without sugar or lengthy cooking. I use this when making freezer jams, jellies, and sugar free apple butter in the crockpot. My husband and I are diabetic, and xylitol and stevia are healthy alternatives to sugar.
Thanks so much for the tips and suggestions!